

This is my tech blog, everything about software development and around it.

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Scala for the win

Scala is the best JVM language out there. Choosing Scala is enough to get creative job offers. It also attacked the web browsers!

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31 Dec 2022 . software . Using ZIO2 Scala3 and more 0 Comments

I wanted to learn basics of ZIO2 and Scala3 so I made a little project for that.

Challenge There was no articles on how to use ZIO2, Scala3, Tapir, Doobie, Postgres and Docker.

Most how-to’s where on how to use ZIO1 or Scala2 so I had some challenge to bump all versions and to dig in to the migration guides.

A suprise for me was a custom versioning scheme for interoperability library between Cats and ZIO which was needed to use Doobie. Two newer versions were made for not newest...

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  • 2013

    I met Scala.

  • 2008 - Today

    A Software developer has born.


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